1 cubic yard of mulch will typically cover 100 sq. ft. 3” deep.HARDWOOD MULCH

Natural hardwood, pine, and cedar mulch provides an organic natural solution to ground cover in yards and plant beds. Daniel’s Supply Company is a manufacturer and bulk supplier of quality hardwood, pine, and cedar mulch. These mulches are made on site daily to assure the quality, contents, and consistency of these products. We purchase large quantities of bulk raw materials to meet customers’ year-round demands.
Hardwood mulch is made from solely RAW HARDWOOD BARK and is ground in either triple or double ground size. Our hardwood bark mulch is ideal for landscape applications and provides important coverage and protection for trees and shrubs. Hardwood mulch is great on slopes and protects from erosion and wash-outs. It is commonly installed around trees and shrubs to retain moisture that helps them survive the tough summer heat. 10-25% reduction in soil moisture loss from evaporation is achieved from mulching trees and shrubs. Mulch the entire root zone area in 3” of hardwood mulch and pull the mulch back 2-3” from the base of trees and shrubs to prevent decay. Hardwood mulch also keeps weeds from popping up but simply covering weeds will not work; weeds must be removed before mulch is installed. Hardwood bark is recommended for any and everyone looking for a premium reddish brown pure hardwood product as ground cover in plant and landscape beds.
Daniel’s Supply hardwood is our best selling mulch and has quickly become a staple for many customers in yards and landscapes.

Brown Designer Mulch
Black Designer Mulch

Call us today! We can help you find and decide on the right
product for your home or business. 919-285-2689